Jeroen, buildnotesrailsrubyprojectfindyourcto

New project

Working on a new project is always exciting. I have a lot of ideas, but I need to focus on the process and "restrain" myself a bit to keep it as simple as possible. This is the build log for the first steps of the Find Your CTO project.

Find Your CTO

Building a reverse job board for (fractional) CTO's

I already dove into coding, but I need to take a step back and keep myself to "the process". First a simple sketch with pen and paper. Create a rough wireframe for the minimal viable product (MVP) I want to release asap. Then grab some Tailwind UI resources as a base for the layout.

And after that we start coding.

so first things first: sketching the flow

The sketch

Two user types:

A rough flow on the site will be:

User flow

next up: Wireframe


One resource I've previously used for this proces is the 24h MVP course (referral link). It lays out the MVP process I unknowingly already followed.

© 2024 -- Jeroen Roosenboom